Tropical Outdoor view Spa

Set In a Landscaped Tropical Garden Overlooking The Ricefield

Aesthetically pleasing and physically soothing

The Founther

Managed by a Balinese, I Made Nasib who made his name working at spas at some of the district’s leading five star Hotels. Tropical Outdoor view spa is his own spa designed from his many years of experience that offers all the basic services specialties in Ayurvedic therapy: Shiro Dhara, Herbal Oil and Chakra Dhara.

 All spa treatments are based upon traditionally used methods that we have been researched and the treatments are conducted in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

The staff is well trained to create unique ritual and beauty therapies so your massage with us will be truly revitalizing, peaceful and luxurious one.

Address: Gunung Sari Street, Peliatan, Ubud, Bali.

Uma Abian Kelod. Peliatan.

Open daily  10.00 am to  21.00 pm

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